1:1 coaching available in person or on zoom
Group Teaching & Coaching Available
1:1 (in person or on zoom) - $30 a session (1 hour session) OR 6 session commitment for $150 - Same pricing for both Mental Health services & Health Coaching services.
Group teaching & coaching available contact me for an hourly rate
Clayton Brown (My hubby)
Clayton was tired of feeling sluggish, bloated and tired. He was living a life of fast food during the day and late night snacking.
Clayton committed to 4 weeks of both nutritional & fitness changes with me as his coach.
Clayton quickly learned how much his body needed of all food groups and how to prepare for the day and week ahead. He committed to moving his body per the minimum requirements for his age and states, "I don't want to go back to that way of living."
Claytons 4 week stats: